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Workforce Transformation Begins Here

College Friends

Our three prong approach designed to tool and train the next level leader. NLI understands the value of cultivating effective leadership through soft skill development and mindset management,  therefore we’ve developed a program designed specifically to prepare emerging leaders to add value to the corporations they serve. We understand that corporations  are looking for young professionals who know how to successfully  shift paradigms as they transition out of the classroom into the boardroom, and  our program serves as a catalyst to that process.


From designing a professional Millennial Action Plan (M.A.P.) to creating a strategy to navigate the corporate culture, YPEG is committed to preparing young professionals to be assets upon arrival. We are equipped to bridge generational gaps ensuring overall professional success. Our team is comprised of four generations of full spectrum leaders, spanning over 40 years of collective corporate experience ready to support and serve both the emerging leader and industry partner.

Program Paths

High School Consulting


We help high school students gain control of their future by recommending strategic activities and leadership opportunities that speak to their career interests and strengths.

Emerging Leaders


Our goal is to prepare a cohort of young professionals for corporate entry with insight, resources and tools to establish themselves as valued members of the marketplace.

Industry Partners


Bridge the generational gaps in your organization with a customized workshop focused on communication, collaboration and workforce diversity.

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