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A salesperson handing a bag to a shopper
​​If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction.             Melinda Gates
Who we are

It's more than a helping hand. It's three hundred.


Gideon 300 is an NLI sponsored business incubator program for aspiring and emerging kingdom-minded businesswomen and solopreneurs. The project stands as a collective of Christian women in business who understand the financial challenges associated with starting and operating a thriving business and who desire to partner with women with a vision to create an additional stream of income by leveraging their skills and making an impact.


We exist to upskill, seed and source kingdom-minded minority women who have the vision to turn their passions into profit.

Image by Ben Duchac
A Young Woman Writing
What we Do



NLI has aligned with stellar partners looking to advance minority women-owned businesses for Kingdom impact. These partners, known as The Gideon 300, contribute anywhere from $100 per month to upwards of $1000 per quarter and lend their expertise in the training and development of awardees.


With their help, we are able to fulfill our mission to provide two women each quarter with start-up/seed capital and over $1500 in resources and training to ensure these women have the skills and knowledge to help jumpstart their vision.


Applicants are invited to apply each quarter as long as they have not previously received an award from the program and meet application requirements.


Deadline TBD

Do you remember when you first started your business?


Do you recall having a dream, the drive and dedication but no dollars or donors willing to support what you envisioned? Hi. I"m Rashida. I remember all too well, and let me tell you, it was tough! I was excited AND ready but needed some help!


There are so many women who are right where we were. They see it but they can’t reach it. Maybe they need an LLC, a website, legal counsel, or just some business cards and collateral. Whatever needed, it costs money. Many only need a jumpstart with basic business capital to get moving. Too often as solopreneurs, we are unable to get started foundationally sound because we just don’t have a small stash! Gideon 300 is the end to this age-old problem, offering a crowdfunding approach to help minority female entrepreneurs secure the seed capital they need to get their businesses going.

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Join Gideon

Become a Gideon 300 Member
The new definition of leading from behind, by pushing them forward.



Gideon Patron



per quarter
  • Named Contributor NLI Website & Platforms

Gideon Exec



per quarter
  • Branded Contributor at NLI Sponsored Events, Website, and in Dear Leadher Magazine
  • Feature Once a Year in Dear Leadher Magazine

Gideon LeadHer



per quarter
  • Named Contributor at NLI Sponsored Events
  • Magazine Highlight 
Make a One Time Donation
As a one-time donor, you'll be a branded contributor on all NLI platforms as our way of saying thank you!

Apply for Gideon Scholarship

Awards are made every quarter. Download the application packet, which includes application deadlines and requirements. There are no application fees and applicants can apply every quarter as long as they have not previously been awarded. 


Copyright 2022 Gideon 300.  An NLI Project. All Rights Reserved.

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